by Tannwen Mount
Pam Mount is known for her green thumb and beautiful gardens at Terhune Orchards. She has instilled this in her children and grandchildren and welcomes the community to join her as she shares her knowledge this Saturday May 14 in a free Herb and Garden Workshop at 10am.
Fresh herbs add fragrance and color to foods and enhance flavor. Pam’s class is a great way for home gardener to learn tips on growing and combining herb plants in the garden. She will discuss herb garden planning, care and maintenance, as well as some tips for using fresh herbs.
Pam has been encouraging gardeners of all ages since purchasing Terhune Orchards in 1975. As a young girl, I loved getting up early and “helping” pick flowers. (see the photo of me in the zinnia garden). I always had my very own plot to plant what I liked. My mom, Pam’s perfect way to keep me busy while having fun with planting. My own kids have been come avid weeders and helpers in the garden – hopefully carrying on their grandmother’s green thumb.
We hope you will share in the fun of having your own home garden as well.